• Anodos de Qualidade para Proteção Catódica.
  • 55 21 3658-9911


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60 Years of History


The Beginning of a New Age

Focusing industry business, the young Portuguese entrepreneur Henrique dos Santos came to Brazil with the idea to be part of the brazilian development.


The Challenge That Was Worth It

Reading newspapers at the time, he realized an opportunity, a challenge: with borrowed funds, he bought a large foreign ship loaded with wheat. The ship had crashed a rock and run a aground 3 km far from the coast of the State of Alagoas – Brazil.

After months of hard work and creativity, he withdrew and sold the usable portion of wheat. After having the hole in the hull repaired a strong tug was used to unsettle the ship, which soon after was sold to a steelmaker in the Northeast. All
the bronze removed was taken to Rio de Janeiro, where it would find better use.


The Birth of SACOR

From the profit of this true adventure and with the approximately 40 tons of bronze
removed from that ship that SACOR was born.


Consolidation of a Name

After decades of work and with the support of important partners and employees, SACOR has become the most important cathodic protection company in Brazil, driven by the good results of the evaluation of Petrobras’ QMS, finally in 1994 we certified the QMS of Sacor as per standard ISO 9001.

In 2007  Sacor was qualified to be one of the four international supplier of anodes, for Shell International’s.