• High Quality Anodes for Cathodic Protection
  • Contact : 55 21 3658-9911


Technology for Deepwater

SACOR is a leader in the segment of Cathodic Protection against Corrosion. It is the most traditional and complete company of the sector in South America, present in several ultra deepwater projects in the world.

Reference in Cathodic Protection.

Large production capacity and fast response to demands.

Permanent Evolution of Products.

Accurate specifications to meet the growing demand of the offshore industry.

Solutions in Cathodic Protection

Sacor has 60 years of tradition and experience providing a wide range of cathodic protection products and services.

Offshorre Oil and Gas


Subsea Pipelines

Offshore Platforms

Ships, Ports and Harbours

Offshore Wind


Cathodic Protection Certificates

Quality of anodes, equipment and cathodic protection accessories manufactured by SACOR are permanently improving. All stages of the manufacturing process are based on the continuous improvement methodology, on ISO 9001 and on principles of the Quality National Award.

Raw materials are acquired from qualified suppliers and strictly analyzed in laboratory. Each material heat produced is tested to assure the compliance to the most strict standards and specifications.

SACOR considers that the search for continuous improvement is essential to achieve and maintain client’s preference in a world even more competitive and globalized.

  • Petrobras Certificate
  • FMC Certificate
  • Member of NACE
  • Member of ABRACO

Sacor Policies

Our goal is to continuously improve the quality of our products and services while maintaining a high level of safety and protection of the environment. To achieve it we have introduced an integrated management system in compliance with ISO standards. Therefore, in addition to the benefits generated for our customers and employees, we also benefit society.

Our principles and objectives are detailed in:

The satisfaction of our clients is one of the keys to our success. Also the efficiency of the qualify management system shall be continuously improved.

A correct environmental performance is fundamental part of our responsibilities, with management of the aspects and impacts of our activities on the environment.

Keeping mechanisms to neutralize hazards and damages in all the company’s activities is fundamental part of our responsibilities, aiming at a correct performance in Occupational Safety and Health.

It is a fundamental part of our responsibilities to comply with applicable national and international laws, and other requirements to which we have been bound.

Technical Empowerment

SACOR invests permanently in the empowerment of its technical board, which counts on specialists in several areas, among them, electrical and chemical engineers. They are all very well prepared to generate the proper solution to every project.

Hover your cursor over the images to see the description.

Sacor Products

The quality of the anodes, equipment and cathodic protection accessories manufactured by SACOR are permanently evolving. All the stages of the manufacturing process are based on the continuous improvement methodology, on ISO 9001 and on the principles of the Quality National Award.

Galvanic Anodes

Impressed Current Systems for Vessels and Rigs

Protection of Offshore Wind Energy Towers

Impressed Current Anodes

Impressed Current Systems for Power Transmition


Accessories for Cathodic Protection

Anti- Inscrustantion Systems for Cooper and Aluminum Alloy

Non-Ferrous Metals

Latest Projects

Below you will see our latest projects. We offer full customer support and we also provide a guarantee with a very high level of satisfaction.


Attested by the Largest Companies

SACOR invests permanently in the empowerment of its technical board, which counts on specialists in several areas, among them, electrical and chemical engineers. They are all very well prepared to develop the proper solution to every project.

Our Clients

We firmly believe that we can and must do things differently. Our goal is to bring new solutions and perspectives, our clients can attest it.

Get in Touch

Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.


60 Years of History


The Beginning of a New Age

Focusing industry business, the young Portuguese entrepreneur Henrique dos Santos came to Brazil with the idea to be part of the brazilian development.


The Challenge That Was Worth It

Reading newspapers at the time, he realized an opportunity, a challenge: with borrowed funds, he bought a large foreign ship loaded with wheat. The ship had crashed a rock and run a aground 3 km far from the coast of the State of Alagoas – Brazil.

After months of hard work and creativity, he withdrew and sold the usable portion of wheat. After having the hole in the hull repaired a strong tug was used to unsettle the ship, which soon after was sold to a steelmaker in the Northeast. All
the bronze removed was taken to Rio de Janeiro, where it would find better use.


The Birth of SACOR

From the profit of this true adventure and with the approximately 40 tons of bronze
removed from that ship that SACOR was born.


Consolidation of a Name

After decades of work and with the support of important partners and employees, SACOR has become the most important cathodic protection company in Brazil, driven by the good results of the evaluation of Petrobras’ QMS, finally in 1994 we certified the QMS of Sacor as per standard ISO 9001.

In 2007  Sacor was qualified to be one of the four international supplier of anodes, for Shell International’s.