• Anodos de Qualidade para Proteção Catódica.
  • 55 21 3658-9911


Sacor Policies

Our goal is to continuously improve the quality of our products and services while maintaining a high level of safety and protection of the environment. To achieve it we have introduced an integrated management system in compliance with ISO standards. Therefore, in addition to the benefits generated for our customers and employees, we also benefit society.

Our principles and objectives are detailed in:

The satisfaction of our clients is one of the keys to our success. Also the efficiency of the qualify management system shall be continuously improved.

A correct environmental performance is fundamental part of our responsibilities, with management of the aspects and impacts of our activities on the environment.

Keeping mechanisms to neutralize hazards and damages in all the company’s activities is fundamental part of our responsibilities, aiming at a correct performance in Occupational Safety and Health.

It is a fundamental part of our responsibilities to comply with applicable national and international laws, and other requirements to which we have been bound.

Technical Empowerment

SACOR invests permanently in the empowerment of its technical board, which counts on specialists in several areas, among them, electrical and chemical engineers. They are all very well prepared to generate the proper solution to every project.

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